Rest easy at the New York Moore Hostel

Group Booking Information
To find out information about our group rates, or to book a group reservation, contact New York Moore Hostel directly at +1 (347) 227-8634 or
Find out more on our Hostel Group Booking page

Check in / Check out Times
Any time after 14:00
Any time before 11:00

Cancellation Policy
Guests may cancel their reservation free of charge up to 48 hours before arrival by emailing with Cancel My Reservation in the Subject line and a statement to explain why in the body of the email.
Changes or cancellations within 48 hours of the arrival date will incur a late cancellation fee equal to the full rate (including taxes) of the first night of the reservation. No-shows will incur the same penalty.

Terms & Conditions
An additional 14.75% New York City hotel tax will be added to your balance to be paid on arrival. A valid passport or photo ID is required upon check-in.
100% of the first night’s stay will be charged on the day of booking, in order to hold the reservation. Any booking made with an invalid credit card will be voided and canceled. The remaining balance is payable upon arrival by Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or Traveler’s Check.
- Maximum stay is 15 days.
- Guests must be at least 21 years old or older to check-in
- Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Luggage storage is available before check-in, or after check-out.
- Smoking is not permitted within the Hostel and guests will incur a $250 cleaning fee.
- Please feel free to use our outdoor courtyard for smoking or just to hang out!